Face hair removal course
You can choose your favorite place from the following
Sideburns, chin, cheeks, nose, neck
One point
6 times
3,600 THB
12 times
6,600 THB
1 additional time
700 THB
Full face course
6 times
9,900 THB
12 times
16,800 THB
1 additional time
1,900 THB
IPL Acne Photo facial
1 time
1,500 THB
IPL Photo facial
1 time
1,500 THB
whitening treatment
+300 THB
Facialcare wax
1 time
2,900 THB
Body hair removal course
Hands and feet refreshing set
4 times
23,200 THB
8 times
44,800 THB
1 additional time
5,900 THB
upper body course
4 times
27,600 THB
8 times
53,600 THB
1 additional time
7,000 THB
lower body course
4 times
20,000 THB
8 times
38,400 THB
1 additional time
5,200 THB
See below for other rates
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